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Continual Edge prides itself on client confidentiality. Client testimonials are therefore entirely optional. The below testimonials have been generously provided by select clients to provide an overview of the Executive Support and Personal Coaching offered. 

Executive Support


“Kenn helped me get through an extremely challenging time in my career. I was struggling with the anxiety of a growing business, and equally struggling with my interactions with clients. Kenn not only came to me with concrete steps to improve my situation, he has had a marked effect on my confidence and self-esteem, and helped me realise some important insights that allowed me to channel worries into energy. He has treated me with the utmost authenticity, been exceptionally accommodating with his availability no matter the time or the crisis, and in turn added tremendous value by building a strong and positive relationship with my clients.


Kenn is the kind of Coach who will always champion your cause, and look at who you are and the best place that you could go next.”


Justin Megawarne

Managing Director

Megaslice LLP

“Kenneth Bannister is an outstanding coach. At a time when work was especially demanding, the combined emotional and financial pressures of a series of lengthy and complex family court proceedings hit me at full force, threatening to overwhelm me.


Time spent with Kenneth and knowing that I could call him 24/7 for support gave me renewed focus, helping turn a formidable personal challenge into both professional and private success. Unreservedly recommend.”


Name Withheld

Senior Manager

UK Intelligence Community


“I was coming towards transition to civilian life following a challenging, demanding and thoroughly rewarding long military career during which I operated predominantly at the senior officer level. Despite all I had achieved, I felt surprisingly disorientated, anxious and very confused about what to do next and how to approach the search for my next career. 


Kenn was recommended by a colleague (who he had also supported) and, to be very honest, having met and discussed Kenn’s means and methods for executive support, which he combines extremely effectively with mentoring, I never looked back. We set goals and objectives and started the journey. Kenn is generous with his time, flexible, compassionate yet challenged me in a way I found sometimes difficult and awkward but always eye-opening and enlightening. His professional knowledge is second to none and there were many ‘light bulb moments’. This was exactly what I needed. 


Roll forward a year and as a direct result of Kenn’s support, advice and commitment to my journey I worked out how to move my life forward I and have succeeded in getting the first executive management and leadership role of my second career. 


I can’t recommend Kenn highly enough. He combines personality, dedication, determination, knowledge and persistence to provide an exceptional mentoring experience. I have enormous respect for him. Please feel free to contact me if you need additional information.”


Head of the NATO Representation to Ukraine

NATO Headquarters



*Temporarily located in Brussels

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Personal Coaching

“As a young adult with a highly active entrepreneurial mindset, I sought Kenn out to help me unpack my many ideas and take decisive action towards my business and personal development goals.


Without fail, in a relaxed and confidential setting, he quickly got to the crux of what I wanted and honed in on the hurdles hindering my progress. Together we clarified my life vision and developed workable plans to move forward.


Throughout all our sessions Kenn intently listened to, respected and took a genuine interest in my thoughts, ideas, dreams and aspirations. His questions were thoughtful, challenging and skilfully applied. My goals were expertly articulated and set, and sound workable plans were aptly developed.


During moments of self-doubt, Kenn always championed me. He never, ever judged me on what I wanted to do with my life, at all times believing in me and guiding me to where I wanted to go. Our sessions always closed with a clear way forward and with me feeling focused, confident and incredibly positive.


If you want your self-belief and self-esteem massively lifted, and wish to have someone there to empower, inspire and continuously cheer you on as you journey towards your personal and professional goals, I cannot recommend Kenn enough.”


Ellie Williams

Development Coordinator 

MOD Defence Cyber Academy

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“Wanting to look my best for my summer beach holiday, I aimed to lose 5 kg. Despite cycling and trying all possible diets, I just couldn't lose the weight.


One month before my departure, I met Kenneth in London. I explained my challenge and utter frustration regarding my lack of progress. Understanding my aspirations, Kenneth agreed to coach and mentor me. A personal plan was developed and, under his direction, I set to work. Within 4 weeks I had exceeded my weight loss target, losing 5.5 kg (12 lbs). To my delight, I fitted into my smaller swimming costume. My friends noticed the difference and increasingly complimented me, and I left on my holiday feeling amazing and extremely happy.


I am so pleased that I met Kenneth, as without his support and guidance I would not have achieved anything. He quickly proved to be an incredibly effective coach and I wholeheartedly recommend him to anyone struggling with their personal weight-loss goals.”


Anna Muentes

London, UK

“While working overseas I received a potentially terminal cancer diagnosis. Numb, in shock and alone, I needed to talk to someone; I needed to process so many life issues that I never thought I would have to address. Not yet wanting to inform (and distress) my loved ones until I better understood my situation, I called Continual Edge.


Despite us being in significantly different time zones, Kenneth Bannister made himself available around-the-clock and set about helping me develop the personal coping strategies I needed. Fully seized of my aim to shield family and friends from worry and grief, Kenneth put in place an effective information campaign with tailored messaging and controlled dissemination to portray normality to the outside world and helped me put my situation into context. This allowed me to function logically and methodically, and make effective and correct critical decisions.


I hastily relocated to the nearest leading international cancer hospital, had a more thorough diagnosis, underwent emergency surgery and endured chemotherapy and radiology. Only when I was given a preliminary all-clear were family and friends informed of my ‘cancer scare’ via a narrative packaged with positive news that the treatment had taken place and that I was in early remission. As a result, loved ones’ anxiety and anguish was largely avoided.


Kenneth is an exceptional coach and mentor. He provided unwavering end-to-end support - from the harrowing initial diagnosis, during the traumatic surgery and treatment, to my heartening early all-clear. Bottom line, if you need help to move forward in life - no matter how dire your situation - call this person.”


Frederick Michaels 

Director, Infrastructure Engineering

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

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Company No. 11951335   

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